Biochemical tests for bacteriological identification


Biochemical Test for Staphylococcus species


taphylococcus SpeciesBiochemical TestReagentsResults
Staphylococcus aureusCatalase TestHydrogen PeroxidePositive: Bubbles observed
Coagulase TestRabbit PlasmaPositive: Clot formation
Staphylococcus epidermidisCatalase TestHydrogen PeroxidePositive: Bubbles observed
Novobiocin SensitivityNovobiocin diskSensitive: Zone of inhibition
Staphylococcus saprophyticusCatalase TestHydrogen PeroxidePositive: Bubbles observed
Novobiocin SensitivityNovobiocin diskResistant: No zone of inhibition
Staphylococcus lugdunensisCatalase TestHydrogen PeroxidePositive: Bubbles observed
Novobiocin SensitivityNovobiocin diskVariable: May show sensitivity or resistance
Staphylococcus haemolyticusCatalase TestHydrogen PeroxidePositive: Bubbles observed
Novobiocin SensitivityNovobiocin diskResistant: No zone of inhibition
Staphylococcus hominisCatalase TestHydrogen PeroxidePositive: Bubbles observed
Novobiocin SensitivityNovobiocin diskResistant: No zone of inhibition

Differential diagnosis between different Staphylococci 

Biochemical TestStaphylococcus aureusStaphylococcus epidermidisStaphylococcus saprophyticus
Gram StainingGram-positive cocci in clustersGram-positive cocci in clustersGram-positive cocci in clusters
Catalase TestPositivePositivePositive
Coagulase TestPositiveNegativeNegative
Mannitol Fermentation TestFerments mannitolDoes not ferment mannitolDoes not ferment mannitol
Novobiocin Sensitivity TestSensitiveResistantResistant
Hemolysis on Blood AgarBeta-hemolysisGamma-hemolysisGamma-hemolysis
DNAse TestPositiveNegativeNegative
Tube Coagulase TestPositiveNegativeNegative
Thermonuclease TestPositiveNegativeNegative
Oxidase TestNegativeNegativePositive
Mannose Fermentation TestNegativeNegativePositive
                     Biochemical Test for Streptococcus species

Streptococci GroupBiochemical TestReagentsResults
Group A StreptococcusBacitracin SensitivityBacitracin diskSensitive: Zone of inhibition
PYR TestPYR ReagentPositive: Development of red color
Group B StreptococcusCAMP TestStaphylococcus aureus culture, blood agar platePositive: Enlargement of the zone of hemolysis at the intersection
of Group B Streptococcus and Staphylococcus aureus colonies
Hippurate Hydrolysis TestHippurate substratePositive: Development of a blue color
Group D StreptococcusBile Esculin TestBile esculin agar, Ferric chloridePositive: Blackening of the agar
Growth in 6.5% NaClNaCl brothPositive: Growth in high salt concentration
Viridans StreptococcusOptochin SensitivityOptochin diskVariable: Some species are sensitive (zone of inhibition), while others are resistant (no zone of inhibition)
Bile Solubility TestSodium deoxycholate solutionPositive: Complete lysis of the bile suspension
Streptococcus pneumoniaeOptochin SensitivityOptochin diskSensitive: Zone of inhibition
Quellung ReactionSpecific antiseraPositive: Capsular swelling

Differential Diagnosis of Streptococcus species

Biochemical TestGroup A Streptococcus (Streptococcus pyogenes)Group B Streptococcus (Streptococcus agalactiae)Group C StreptococcusGroup D Streptococcus (Enterococcus faecalis)Streptococcus pneumoniaeViridans Group Streptococci
Gram StainingGram-positive cocci in chainsGram-positive cocci in chainsGram-positive cocci in chainsGram-positive cocci in chainsGram-positive lancet-shaped diplococciGram-positive cocci in chains
Catalase TestNegativeNegativeNegativeNegativeNegativeNegative
Hemolysis on Blood AgarBeta-hemolysisBeta-hemolysisGamma-hemolysisGamma-hemolysisAlpha-hemolysisVariable (Alpha or gamma-hemolysis)
Bacitracin Sensitivity TestSensitiveResistantResistantResistantResistantVariable (Sensitive or resistant)
Hippurate Hydrolysis TestNegativeNegativePositivePositiveNegativeVariable (Positive or negative)
CAMP TestNegativeNegativePositiveNegativeNegativeVariable (Positive or negative)
Esculin Hydrolysis TestNegativePositiveNegativeNegativeNegativeVariable (Positive or negative)
Optochin Sensitivity TestSensitiveResistantResistantResistantSensitiveVariable (Sensitive or resistant)
Bile Solubility TestNegativeNegativeNegativePositivePositiveVariable (Positive or negative)
PYR TestNegativeNegativeNegativePositiveNegativeVariable (Positive or negative)
Voges-Proskauer TestNegativeNegativeNegativeNegativeNegativeVariable (Positive or negative)
Lancefield SerotypingGroup A antigen (Streptococcus pyogenes)Group B antigen (Streptococcus agalactiae)Group C antigen (Streptococcus equisimilis)Not applicableNot applicableNot applicable

Common Bacterial Pathogens and the biochemical test for identification

Bacterial PathogenBiochemical TestTypical Results
Escherichia coliIndole TestPositive: Development of a red color
Methyl Red TestPositive: Stable red color after adding Methyl Red
Voges-Proskauer TestNegative: No color change or weak pink color
Salmonella entericaCitrate Utilization TestPositive: Growth and color change in the medium
Urea Hydrolysis TestNegative: No color change or yellow color
Triple Sugar Iron (TSI) Agar TestAcid slant/acid butt or alkaline slant/acid butt
Staphylococcus aureusCoagulase TestPositive: Clot formation
Catalase TestPositive: Bubbles observed
Streptococcus pyogenesBacitracin SensitivitySensitive: Zone of inhibition
PYR TestPositive: Development of red color
Pseudomonas aeruginosaOxidase TestPositive: Development of a purple color
Nitrate Reduction TestPositive: No color change after adding nitrate
MacConkey Agar TestLactose non-fermenter (Colorless colonies)
Klebsiella pneumoniaeIndole TestNegative: No color change or yellow color
Citrate Utilization TestPositive: Growth and color change in the medium
Voges-Proskauer TestPositive: Development of a red color
Clostridium difficileLecithinase TestPositive: Opalescence or white precipitate
Gram StainGram-positive, spore-forming rods
Neisseria gonorrhoeaeOxidase TestPositive: Development of a purple color
Glucose Fermentation TestPositive: Acid production from glucose
DNA Probe Test (NAAT)Positive: Presence of specific DNA sequence
Chlamydia trachomatisNucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAAT)Positive: Amplification of Chlamydia DNA
Giemsa StainIdentification of characteristic intracellular inclusions
Cell CultureIsolation and growth of Chlamydia organisms
Haemophilus influenzaeX and V Factor TestPositive: Growth with both X and V factors
Hemolysis TestNon-hemolytic or gamma-hemolytic
PCR for capsule typingPositive: Amplification of specific capsule gene
Legionella pneumophilaLegionella Urine Antigen TestPositive: Detection of Legionella antigen in urine
Buffered Charcoal Yeast Extract (BCYE) AgarGrowth on BCYE agar
Bordetella pertussisCulture on Bordet-Gengou AgarIsolation and growth of Bordetella pertussis
PCR for pertussis toxin genePositive: Amplification of pertussis toxin gene
Mycobacterium tuberculosisAcid-Fast StainAcid-fast bacilli seen under microscope
Culture on Lowenstein-Jensen or Middlebrook 7H10 agarGrowth on specific culture media
Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAAT)Positive: Amplification of M. tuberculosis DNA
Vibrio choleraeString TestPositive: Formation of mucin-like stringy material
TCBS Agar TestYellow colonies on TCBS agar
Serological TestsDetection of specific cholera antigens
Yersinia pestisF1 Antigen Detection TestPositive: Detection of F1 antigen
Bipolar StainingBipolar staining of bacteria under microscope
PCR for Plasminogen Activator GenePositive: Amplification of plasminogen activator gene
Enterococcus faecalisBile Esculin TestPositive: Blackening of the agar
PYR TestPositive: Development of red color
Growth in 6.5% NaClPositive: Growth in high salt concentration
Shigella spp.Lysine Decarboxylase TestNegative: No color change or yellow color
TSI Agar TestAcid slant/acid butt or alkaline slant/acid butt
PCR for Shiga Toxin GenesPositive: Amplification of Shiga toxin genes
Enterobacter aerogenesCitrate Utilization TestPositive: Growth and color change in the medium
Lactose Fermentation TestPositive: Acid and gas production from lactose
Stenotrophomonas maltophiliaOxidase TestNegative: No color change or weak pink color
Growth on MacConkey AgarNon-lactose fermenter (Colorless colonies)
Helicobacter pyloriUrease TestPositive: Color change due to urease activity
Gram StainGram-negative, curved or spiral-shaped rods
PCR for specific H. pylori genesPositive: Amplification of H. pylori genes
Streptococcus pneumoniaeOptochin Sensitivity TestSensitive: Zone of inhibition
Quellung ReactionPositive: Capsular swelling
Bile Solubility TestPositive: Complete lysis of the bile suspension
Listeria monocytogenesCatalase TestPositive: Bubbles observed
Motility TestPositive: Tumbling motility
Christie-Atkins-Munch-Petersen (CAMP) TestPositive: Enlargement of the zone of hemolysis
Corynebacterium diphtheriaeElek TestPositive: Formation of a precipitin line
Tinsdale Agar TestBlack colonies on Tinsdale agar
PCR for Diphtheria Toxin GenePositive: Amplification of diphtheria toxin gene
Streptococcus agalactiaeCAMP TestPositive: Enlargement of the zone of hemolysis
Hippurate Hydrolysis TestPositive: Development of a blue color
Growth in 6.5% NaClPositive: Growth in high salt concentration
Proteus mirabilisIndole TestPositive: Development of a red color
Urease TestPositive: Color change due to urease activity
Swarming Motility TestPositive: Spreading growth on agar surface
Bacillus anthracisGamma Phage Lysis TestLysis of gamma phage-inoculated culture
Capsule StainingPresence of a polypeptide capsule
PCR for Protective Antigen GenePositive: Amplification of protective antigen gene
Campylobacter jejuniOxidase TestPositive: Development of a purple color
Hippurate Hydrolysis TestPositive: Development of a purple color
Growth at 42°CPositive: Growth at elevated temperature
Haemophilus ducreyiPCR for H. ducreyi specific genesPositive: Amplification of H. ducreyi genes
Culture on Chocolate AgarIsolation and growth of H. ducreyi
Gram StainGram-negative, pleomorphic coccobacilli

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